Melynn Hunter
Melynn Hunter
Married 13 years Raising 2 beautiful babies Deadlift 215lbs Power squat clean 125


Bachelor’s degree in Exercise and Movement Science
ACSM certified Personal Trainer

Personal Trainer/coach

Melynn Hunter

Hey guys! Melynn here! I’ve been blessed being in the personal training industry for over 9 years! I am passionate about helping individuals achieve their health and fitness goals through personalized training programs. My love for strength training drives me to continuously learn and apply the most effective techniques to help my clients get stronger, healthier, and more confident. In addition to strength training, I emphasize the importance of proper nutrition and overall wellness as key components of a successful fitness journey. You don’t have to be alone on your fitness journey! Let’s get strong together!

I’ve never been the fastest kid or the best player on a team. I struggled with my own internal doubt, believing I could help others achieve their own goals.
Proverbs 16:9 “ “In their hearts humans plan their course, but the Lord establishes their steps.”
‭‭God has a way of turning one’s weakness into strength. With my faith, I was able to realize my passion for encouraging others along in their own fitness journey!

I want others to know that fitness can be for everyone! Each individual is capable of having their own unique fitness journey!
I love working with families, watching moms and dads include their children in their journey can help create lifelong habits!